


Isaiah 58 became the core group members of a new organization YSP21 to help the victims of the earthquake in the town Minamisanriku. This project is listed in the following outline of the work of formation and action philosophy that permeates the Christian community learned through support and be involved in the mission, to the region.
It is aimed that through support to Minamisanriku-cho, the love of Christ to permeate huddled by the people of the region mainly. I aim to become a model of the formation of the Christian community that testimony of Christ will continue to penetrate the local culture can serve in Japan.


“Testimony through Good Works Project 21”
  (Hereafter referred to as [YSP21])

Opening Statement:
 YSP21 was started in response to the tragic plight of the 3.11 Earthquake & Tsunami Disaster victims. The best answer to the question “Is God present?” is the presence of Christians pouring out love and doing good works based on the Gospel.
  We want to make it clear that meeting people’s needs and evangelism go together toward the goal of building God’s family, the church that testifies of God through good works. And this should apply not only in disaster areas but everywhere in Japan, with local churches giving help to those in need.
 In order to better achieve this, we would like to create a network with churches that share the same goals and work together in carrying out YSP21. We consider this coming together to be putting into practice and affirming the intention of Biblical instruction.

Main Concepts
 YSP21’s goal for churches is to build churches (including building Christians, Christian families and Christian entrepreneurs) that work for and contribute to the well-being of their local areas.
1. The biblical model for the spread of churches:
a) The church starts with the Great Commission. (Matt.28:19)
b) In the pattern of missions work that then develops, we see that the church spreads only when there are local Christians living their lives and doing good works based on the Gospel. (Acts, Thessalonians, Romans, Mt. Ch 5~7 ‘Sermon on the Mount’,  & Titus amongst other passages)
 1- Reverence for the creator God: [based on maturing in “Faith, Hope, and Love”  (Ephesians 1:15~19; 1 Corinthians 13)
 2- “Submit to those in authority over us.” Respect for social order (Romans 13; 1 Timothy 2; Titus 3)
 3- Self-control and Independence, freedom in the LORD (Romans 14; Galatians 5)
 4- Love of our neighbors which is based on the Gospel of Christ (Romans 13:8~14; vs. 23)
 5- Respect for labor and its demonstration of a person’s intrinsic value (2 Thessalonians 3)
 6- Love for family (Ephesians 5)
 7- Living our lives in God’s family, the local church (1 Timothy 5:1-16; Titus 2)

2. We will assess and put into practice assistance that accompanies a lifestyle of doing good works as a way of living out the Gospel so that our relief and assistance efforts don’t end as merely humanitarian aid. (Writings of Paul)

3. We will give assistance without expectation of rewards, aiming for the best for those who receive it. (Acts 20:35)

4. We will together undertake assistance that rebuilds the whole community and leads to well-being for all. (Jeremiah 29:4~7; Examples from Daniel; teachings of Paul & Peter that reflect these values)
 1- by sending personnel into the area (paid staff & volunteers)
 2- by developing cooperative, synergistic relationships
 3- by establishing relief funds

5. Sincere rescue and relief efforts that are based on doing good works, should elicit questions and conversations about our lifestyle that can then bear fruit through the testimony of doing good works. (Colossians 4:3~6)

6. In regards to lifestyle, we will also prepare to “always be ready to give an account to anyone about our hope…” (1 Peter 3:15)

7. We will apply theology to culture and local customs.  Christians are to live our lives in local society and the larger world with great wisdom. Furthermore, as it becomes clear what cultural problems and community attitudes are, we must consider how to wrap the Christian faith into our response to the local culture and customs. Especially, we will consider how to build relationships and become more intimate with those who have different worldviews and religious backgrounds without legalistically pushing upon them all kinds of Christian cultural elements. Rather we will consider how we can protect our own faith in the midst of that. In other words, we will apply theology to the culture and customs as we encounter them.

YSP21 Guidelines for Activities
1. All churches that participate in YSP21 will share ownership of these Main Concepts and together will aim to build up churches that do good works and give testimony. They will also participate in research and training (mission training) and strive to demonstrate these concepts in their lives and work.

2. YSP21 will continue to contribute to the post 3.11 restoration of Minami Sanriku Town as a model for application of these main concepts.

3. Beginning with Minami Sanriku Town, we will be active in providing practice locations for training of leaders and volunteers who will build up churches that contribute to  3.11 Disaster recovery efforts in various localities. In any case, YSP21 will provide locations and ideas for the training up of the next generation of leaders.

4. YSP21 will, in response to church requests, provide a structure that enables volunteer teams and mission teams to be sent. However, YSP21 network churches will send out these various teams.

5. YSP21 activity expenses will all be covered by donations from those who agree with it purpose and activities.
(Text written by Masashi Moriya)  [Translated by Kurt Thompson]








. 聖書の順序に見る教会共同体の拡がり:


(1)創造主なる神への畏敬の念:「信仰・希望・愛」に基づく人格の成熟 (エペソ11519、Ⅰコリント13

. 人道支援のみに終わらない救援・支援:「見える福音・生き方」としての良き業の伴
. 報いを求めない最善の支援を考え実践する(使徒2035)。
. 町全体の復興・繁栄に至る支援を共に考え取り組む(エレミヤ2947、ダニエルの

. 良き業に基づく誠実な救援・支援活動を通して、「生き方」に関する「問いかけ」が 
. 私たちの「生き方」について、その「希望について説明を求める人には、だれにでも
. 文化とその風土の中で神学する。


1.  「良き業・宣証共同体プロジェクト21」(以下「YSP21」)に参加する諸教会はYSP21」の理念を共有し、共に「良き業・宣証教会」の建て上げを目指す。また共に研修、訓練し(宣証訓練)、この理念の実証に努める。

2.  YSP21」はその理念の実証の場として「3.11大震災」以来、継続している「南三陸 町」の復興に寄与・貢献するよう取り組む。

3.  南三陸町をはじめ、3.11大震災被災地での支援活動は地域・町に寄与貢献する教会を建て上げるリーダー、ボランティアの実践の場として活動する。とりわけ、次世代のリーダー育成のために理論と現場を提供する。

4.  YSP21」は教会の求めに応じてボランティアチーム、宣教チームを派遣できる体制を整える。ただし、それぞれのチームはネットワーク所属の教会派遣とする。

5.  YSP21」の活動経費はすべて、賛同する方々の献金によるものとする。


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