- 引き続いて南三陸、石巻の支援関係者との連携をもって支援を継続する。
- 必要な物資、資金を支援する。
- 今まで、福島に関しては様々な事情で支援の対象とはなっていなかったが、今後、支援をできるところからする。まず、実情をブログ、ニュースレターで福島の被災の実情を知らせ、また福島の関係支援グループと連絡を密にする。
- 福島の支援のための献金の窓口となる。
- 4月に、仙台SBSより南三陸からのボランティア支援要請があるので募集活動をする。
- 3月11日の追悼の日が近づいている中で、イザヤ58として祈祷文を作成しブログで発表する。(以下に掲載)
It is written under the Japanese prayer in English
震災支援グループ イザヤ58ネット一同
58:10 飢えた者に心を配り、悩む者の願いを満足させるなら、あなたの光は、やみの中に輝き上り、
58:11 【主】は絶えず、あなたを導いて、焼けつく土地でも、あなたの思いを満たし、あなたの骨を強くする。
58:12 あなたのうちのある者は、昔の廃墟を建て直し、あなたは古代の礎を築き直し、
国と力と栄えとは、かぎりなくなんじのものなればなり。 アーメン。
Prayer for the third year 3.11 East Japan great earthquake disaster
heavenly Father, we thank you that we have been given the gracious gift
of calling you 'Abba, Father' as in faith and thanksgiving we pray,
according to your deep love. In your love and compassion, we humbly ask
that you listen to our prayers.
is now the third year since the Great East Japan Earthquake. In the
days gone by since that March 11th, as much debris has been hauled away,
there are people even now in the affected areas who are still clearing
away rubble. As people experienced the shaking of the foundations of
their lives due to the earthquake tremors, there was much more terrible
loss of life from the tsunami, leveling towns and villages, sweeping
away houses and tossing them aside.
are people who have had their health threatened by the radioactivity of
the nuclear power plant accident. And there has been the damage
experienced by unwarranted prejudice against people who have had to
evacuate. Even as they are in the midst of reconstructing their lives,
their hearts are wounded. As far as what is visible, the rubble has been
cleared from the roads so that cars may pass, the infrastructure of
electrical supply, water supply and so forth has been repaired, and the
overall restoration has been continuing. However, people's hearts are
still in pain.
top of losing family members and other irreplaceable friends, many
people have lost their homes, possessions and livelihoods, their hope
for the future, and have fallen into despair and emotional devastation
because of the disaster. Lord, out of your deep compassion, give them in
abundance what they need. Touch their wounded hearts with your hand,
Lord, and heal them. Help them to put the disaster in the past and help
them to forget it and leave it behind. And please forgive those of us
who are far away from the affected areas, who have sinned by easily
forgetting and being indifferent to their situation.
ask you, Lord, to intervene and deliver us by your power from the
judgment of our country's statesmen as they spread once again the myths
of safety following the nuclear power plant accident, and rather than
using short-sighted and human rationality, guide us toward choosing
truly safe and beneficial energy policies. Lord, we pray that you
forgive us for our self-centeredness in ignoring the pain of those
affected by the nuclear plant disaster and tsunami, as they have been
cut off from their home towns, even as we have benefitted from the
nuclear energy produced there. As you, Lord, continue to give comfort,
give us your love so that we will work with you and not abandon the
churches of Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima, but hold them closely as you
Son of God, by your cross you have given us our salvation. By your
sacrifice on the cross, we believe we have been given consolation and
encouragement in this world. We pray that somehow those who are
suffering deep sorrow, those who are suffering great fatigue, those who
are in the midst of fear, those who have lost their power to exist, may
receive your comfort and be filled with the loved you expressed on the
cross. We know that you achieved victory in the resurrection even as you
faced the suffering of the cross. We put our trust in the hope which
comes from your resurrection. May those who are wounded, those who have
lost hope, live in your hope and be able to stand once again. For this
purpose, please bless all the churches who have been entrusted with the
hope and comfort of the gospel. Please bless all believers who share the
gospel. Please give them the words of life that bring everything
together under you, Lord. May they be able to share this gospel which
brings newness of life. And beyond all words, please cause the living
presence of Christ's love to be seen in the lives of those who live in
this gospel.
Spirit, as the Comforter, as the Helper sent by the Father, we give
thanks that you live inside us. Please encourage believers in their
support efforts to bring comfort and encouragement in tsunami-affected
areas, to be the "Light of the World" and the "Salt of the Earth," to
those needing it, including our brothers and sisters in Christ. Please
use us in this way, Lord.
the disaster, Lord, you have exposed the weaknesses of our society, and
you are indicating another direction for your church. Use us as vessels
of your comfort. Give us an anointing of the sending Spirit to fill the
disaster victims where they are. As we continue to raise our hands in
prayer on their behalf, give us unity in love as we respond with support
we ask your blessings on those churches and believers who have
continued to offer aid through the Isaiah 58 group. bound by your grace
and love, praying that they will continue to be of one heart and be able
to keep up the support work. We pray for your blessing and guidance on
all the work of the various churches, denominations, mission groups and
support networks. We ask you to enable those churches who have supported
the Isaiah 58 group to continue in serving as disciples not just the
disaster victims, but all neighbors in our towns who are weak and needy.
We ask that you supply all of the necessary talent, resources and
We pray as our prayer the prayer that Jesus himself taught his disciples to pray, saying,
Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive them that trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
(Translation by Frank Daugherity )
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